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Little Buck Run


Little Buck Run Watershed is a 3.59 square mile catchment area in portions of Sadsbury, West Sadsbury, and Highland Townships and almost the entire Borough of Parkesburg. The topography is relatively flat to rolling and is comprised of mixed land uses including commercial, light to high density residential, agricultural, and recreational. Historical land uses, including logging, intensive agriculture, and mill dam constuction and abandonment have impacted the majority of Little Buck Run. PADEP classifies Little Buck Run as a trout stocking fishery, migratory fishery. In 2008, the PA Fish and Boat Commission added the entire reach of Buck Run to its list of streams that support wild trout reproduction, including Little Buck run.

Activity Summary:

  • William Penn Foundation in 2007 funded a complete watershed assessment and the development of a comprehensive Restoration Plan
  • Assessment Report for Little Buck Watershed completed by RETTEW July 2008
  • Restoration Plan for Little Buck Watershed completed by RETTEW August 2008. View restoration plan and map
  • DEP Growing Greener Grant for $375,000 awarded for first restoration project in 2012
  • Restoration of 2,800 feet of Little Buck Run in Parkesburg Borough completed in 2014
  • PADEP Growing Greener Grant for $56,500 in 2013 to design the second Little Buck Run restoration.
  • PADEP Growing Greener Grant for $203,000 and William Penn Foundation grant for $115,000 to complete construction of second project
  • Restoration of 3,500 feet of Little Buck Run in Parkesburg and Sadsbury completed in 2015.
  • Over 1,00 trees and shrub planted at the two restoration sites.