Watershed Helpline and Resources
Try to record your observations in writing and/or photograph describing what you have seen and the conditions during which the issue took place. If you can, take samples. Be sure to include the date, time of day, location, and any other information you deem important. And remember, SAFETY FIRST! Don’t walk on private property without permission from the owner and don’t put yourself in any dangerous and/or hazardous situations.
Contact the appropriate organization based on your concerns using the lists below.

Soil Erosion
- Soil entering stream from construction site
- Unnaturally cloudy water
Chester County Conservation District
688 Unionville Rd., Suite 200
Kennett Square, PA 19348
New Castle Conservation District
2430 Old Country Road
Newark, DE 19702
(302) 832-3100 ext. 3

Damaging Activity in Stream or Watershed
- Removal of trees along stream bank
- The use of machinery in the stream
- The filling or disturbance of a wetland
- Dumping (i.e. releasing large amounts of man-made materials into the stream or wetland), and littering
- Air pollution
PA Dept. of Environmental Protection
Southeast Regional Office
2 East Main Street
Norristown, PA 19401
Emergency Response: (484)250-5900
DNREC – Division of Water Resources
89 Kings Highway
Dover, DE 19901
Emergency Response Hotline:
General Information: (302) 739-9950

Threats to Aquatic Life
- Notable increase in algae
- Unnaturally large quantities of dead fish
- Illegal fishing
- Destruction of stream banks
PA Fish & Boat Commission Southeast Region
Brubaker Valley Road, PO Box 9
Elm, PA 19721
Law Enforcement: (717) 626-0228
Education: (717) 626-9081
DNREC – Division of Fish and Wildlife
89 Kings Highway
Dover, DE 19901
Emergency Response Hotline:

Threats to Wildlife
- Illegal Hunting
PA Game Commission Southeast Region
448 Snyder Road
Reading, PA 19605
(610) 926-3136
DNREC – Division of Fish and Wildlife
89 Kings Highway
Dover, DE 19901
Tri-State Bird Rescue and Research
(care for injured birds)
110 Old Possum Hollow Road
Newark, DE 19711
General: (302) 739-9913
Enforcement: (302) 739-9912
Wildlife: (302) 739-9914
Fisheries: (302) 737-9543

Stream Changes
- Excessive algal growth
- Unusual smell and/or color
- Sudden change in clarity of water
- Unusual amount of foam
PA Dept. of Environmental Protection
Southeast Regional Office
2 East Main Street
Norristown, PA 19401
Emergency Response: (484)250-5900
89 Kings Highway
Dover, DE 19901
Emergency Response Hotline: 1-800-662-8802
General Information: (302) 739-9950

Septic and Well Issues
- Discharge of sewage into stream
- Failing septic systems
- Bacterial contamination in well water
Chester County Health Department
601 Westtown Road, Suite 290,
Box 2747
West Chester, PA 19380
(610) 344-6225
DNREC Division of Water Resources Groundwater Section
(302) 739-5361

- Proper disposal of household hazardous waste
Chester County Waste Authority
7224 Division Highway
Narvon, PA 17555
(610) 273-3771
Delaware Solid Waste Authority
1128 S. Bradford Street
PO Box 455
Dover, DE 19903
Citizen’s Response Line: 1-800-404-7080
Office: (302) 739-5361
Watershed Quality Resources
State and Local:
Chester County Conservation District
Chester County Solid Waste Authority
Chester County Water Resources Authority
Delaware River Basin Commission
Green Valleys Watershed Association
Isaac Walton League of America
Penn State University Chester County Extension Office
Pennsylvania Department of Conservation of Natural Resources
Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection
Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission
University of Delaware Water Resources Center
National and Federal:
Center for Watershed Protection
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation
National Institutes for Water Resources
Natural Resources Conservation Service
Pennsylvania Organization for Watersheds and Rivers
United States Environmental Protection Agency
United States Environmental Protection Agency, Region III