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Brandywine Red Clay Alliance seeks members who are committed to conserving our watersheds, protecting natural resources, and inspiring the next generation to love the outdoors.


Conservation begins at home. Brandywine Red Clay Alliance is the organization dedicated to preserving the watersheds that provide our water and host our recreation, right here in Chester County, Pennsylvania, and northern Delaware. We invite you, through your membership and participation, to support work that focuses on taking care of our lands and restoring our streams to good health.


  • We connect young people to the outdoors. A critical part of Brandywine Red Clay’s mission, hands-on education takes place in formal and informal ways every single day. It begins with curriculum- and standards-based programs serving more than 12,000 students a year in classrooms in Pennsylvania and Delaware. Our two education centers are the hub of outdoor fun, including our member-discounted summer camp, fishing, kayaking, Young Waterfowlers and much more. All these programs prepare young people to be responsible stewards of natural resources.


  • We are entrusted with land preservation. Through the generosity of donors and key acquisitions, we own or hold conservation easements on over 2,300 acres of land in our watersheds. We turned this responsibility into a wealth of learning opportunities by establishing the Myrick Conservation Center outside West Chester, open to the public year-round, and Saalbach Farm in Coatesville.


  • We do smart planning—then roll up our sleeves. Partnerships with dozens of like-minded organizations, school districts, municipal and county governments, businesses and local foundations help us design and implement pioneering conservation programs like Red Streams Blue, expand easements, and inform future development. We add to this impact through large-scale activities. Our Brandywine and Red Clay Valley Clean Ups bring together hundreds of volunteers to pick up trash, haul away debris, and actively maintain roadways, waterways and open spaces.


  • We are experts. Brandywine Red Clay Alliance, born of a merger of Brandywine Valley Association and Red Clay Valley Association, was founded in 1945 by a dedicated group of activists who realized that poorly treated wastewater and soil erosion threatened our creeks and water supplies. We’ve made great strides but there’s still much work for us to do as housing development continues in and around the Brandywine and Red Clay Watersheds.


  • Connect to our growing community. We offer many ways to get involved and stay connected. Mission-driven activities enable you to do your part for healthier watersheds, and family-friendly events celebrate the outdoors. You can always find out what’s happening at Brandywine Red Clay Alliance through member newsletters and emails, and you should visit us at and on Facebook.



Your membership goes directly to supporting our conservation activities and education programs. Some of the member benefits you’ll receive include:

  • Annual subscription to Brandywine Red Clay Alliance News and e-updates
  • Members-only advance notices on special events and sales
  • Discounts on many programs, including our popular summer camps
  • Most important of all, the chance to make a difference by supporting hands-on conservation activities



  • Introductory: $25
  • Individual: $40
  • Family: $60
  • Benefactor: $100
  • Steward of the Valley: $250
  • Watershed Protector: $500
  • Conservationist: $1,000


Jim Jordan, Executive Director

610-793-1090 or