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Tributary 414 Watershed


Tributary 414 is an unnamed tributary of the E. Branch Red Clay Creek. The watershed is located in E. Marlborough and Kennett Township and consists of a 3.21 square mile catchment area with the headwaters near Longwood Gardens flowing south to the confluence with the E. Branch Red Clay Creek south of Hillendale Road. Topography in the watershed is relatively flat to rolling with mixed uses including commercial, light to high density residential, agricultural, and recreational uses. Historical land uses including logging, intensive agriculture, and mill dam construction and abandonment have impacted the majority of this stream. The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection includes the entire Trib. 414 watershed on its 303d list of impaired stream reaches (2020). These impairments are primarily due to excessive agricultural siltation from legacy sediments from past farming practices and mill dams with actively eroding stream banks still present on many stream banks. There are also sections of stream lacking adequate riparian buffers.

Activity Summary:

  • Funding secured for a complete watershed assessment and the development of a comprehensive Restoration Plan in 2008
  • Assessment Report for Tributary 414 Watershed was completed by RETTEW May 2008
  • Restoration Plan for Tributary 414 Watershed completed by RETTEW August 2008.
  • Stream protection project along 1,600 feet of a tributary to the east branch Red Clay in Kennett Township completed in 2014. Project included five stream crossings, one water access, feed lot relocation and stream fencing. Funding by foundation grants and Suez Water.


  • RETTEW Associates, Inc.
  • Chester County Conservation District
  • Suez Water (now owned by Veolia)