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Upper East Branch Watershed


The Upper East Branch Red Clay Creek Watershed is a 3.37 square mile catchment area in East Marlborough and Kennett Townships. The headwaters are located near East Doe Run Road along Route 926. The main stem begins at a pond above Route 926 and an eastern tributary begins on property owned by Longwood Gardens. The study area extended downstream to the Kennett Township/Kennett Square Borough Line. Land uses include the Unionville Chadds Ford High and Middle Schools, residential developments, agriculture including field crops and horses, recreational uses including the Kennett Square Golf and Country Club and Nixon Park, and forested areas. The upper East Branch Red Clay is listed by PADEP as an impaired stream due to agricultural siltation and nutrients, habitat alterations and urban stormwater runoff.

Activity Summary:

  • The Laffey-McHugh Foundation funded a Watershed Restoration Plan, completed by Clauser Environmental in November 2010
  • 2014-2024, The William Penn Foundation helped to fund project planning, identification and implementation through the Delaware River Watershed Initiative, Brandywine-Christina Cluster.
  • To date, BRC has completed 8 stream restoration projects on 2.2 miles of streams in this headwater stream, practices installed include:
    • 2,012 trees and shrubs planted along the restored stream sections
    • Installed 5 livestock crossings to prevent erosion of stream banks
    • Installed agricultural practices on 5 crop and equine farms including: grass swales, riparian exclusion fencing, livestock heavy use areas and bio-char filter
    • Removed one small dam at Anson B. Nixon Park
    • Partnered with 3 municipalities13 landowners including a park, golf course, horse farms and residential properties


  • Brandywine Conservancy
  • Clauser Environmental
  • Chester County Conservation District
  • Kennett Area Park Authority (Anson B. Nixon Park)
  • Borough of Kennett Square
  • East Marlborough Township
  • Kennett Township


  • Laffey-McHugh Foundation
  • William Penn Foundation