Stream Restorations
Pocopson Creek Watershed

The Pocopson Creek Watershed is 9.19 square mile catchment area in Newlin, Pocopson, Pennsbury and East Marlborough Townships. According to the 2016 PADEP Integrated List of Impaired waters, the majority of the Watershed is impaired for siltation due to agriculture, urban runoff, and storm sewers. The watershed assessment phase is currently underway with water quality testing at 10 sites, review of existing maps and data and meetings with municipalities and conservation organizations working in the watershed. The plan will be completed in 2025. Potential restoration projects will likely focus on floodplain restoration, riparian buffer enhancement, streambank stabilization, wetland restoration, and fish habitat improvement.

Activity Summary:
- 2024, PADEP Growing Greener Grant secured to fund the assessment and restoration Planting phases.
- Sampled 10 sites for water quality base-line data.
- Field data collection scheduled for winter 2025
- Presentation of plan anticipated in fall/winter 2025

- Clauser Environmental
- Pocopson Township
- Newlin Township
- Pennsbury Township
- East Marlborough Township
- PADEP Growing Greener