Red Streams Blue

The goal of the Red Streams Blue Program is to ensure all streams in the Brandywine and Red Clay watersheds meet Pennsylvania and Delaware water quality standard. The name comes from the map of 2014 stream quality assessments, where streams with poor quality were shown in read, and healthy streams in blue.
Why is the Red Streams Blue Program important?
The Brandywine and Red Clay Creeks are the drinking water source for much of Chester County as well as New Castle County and Wilmington, Delaware.
These creeks provides recreation for many residents, including fishing canoeing, and swimming.
The Brandywine and Red Clay Creeks and tributaries provide habitat and natural corridors for wildlife.
The beauty of the Brandywine and Red Clay Watersheds is an important natural resource.
How will we make Red Streams Blue?
- Identify the impaired segments and
- Develop a Restoration Plan to
- Select projects to be undertaken based on
- Build partnerships within the
- Identify funding sources
- Complete restoration projects
Ways to Help Us Make Red Streams Blue
Join the BRC Become one of 900 members who are helping to restore and protect this priceless resource
Watershed Property Tips: Learn how to take better care of these natural resources and how you can make a difference
Enjoy the Brandywine and Red Clay Creeks and watersheds: This is the payoff of the Red Streams Blue Program

Feet of streams restored

Dam removed

Trees and shrubs planted

Tons of trash removed from 118 miles of roads & streams

Trees distributed to residents

Attendees for 15 watershed outreach programs
Click any marker on the map to see what we’ve restored so far