Stream Restorations
Valley Run Watershed
Valley Run watershed is a 4.45 square mile catchment area primarily in Caln Township with portions of the headwaters reaching into the adjacent East Fallowfield and West Bradford Townships. The watershed has mixed land uses including commercial, industrial, light to high density residential, agricultural, and recreational. Historical land uses including logging, intensive agriculture, and mill dam construction and abandonment have impacted the majority of the watershed. Valley Run is listed as impaired by sediment, nutrients, and flow alterations due to urban runoff. Valley Run converges with Beaver Creek near Thorndale. This portion of Beaver Creek is classified by the PADEP as trout stocked fishery, migratory fishery.
Activity Summary:
- In 2007 William Penn Foundation funded a complete watershed assessment and the development of a comprehensive Restoration Plan
- Assessment Report for Valley Run Watershed completed by RETTEW September 2008
- Restoration Plan for Valley Run Watershed to be completed by RETTEW October 2008
- Projects in Valley Run on hold due to higher priority in other watersheds and the high percentage of impervious surface which make stream restoration less effective without significant reduction in stormwater volume and velocity.