Get WILD at our Nature Play program at the Chandler Mill Nature Preserve- Wonder, Investigate, Learn & Discover! Explore guided weekly themes at your own pace.
Members $6.50, Non-Member $13 . (Adult/Caregiver free, but must register.)
THIS EVENT IS NOW CANCELLED. Help us as we partner with: the Delaware Nature Society, Kennett Area Park Authority, Mt. Cuba Center, Inc. and the Red Clay Scenic Byway Alliance to clean up the Red Clay Watershed! We are looking for volunteers to come out to Ashland Nature Center in Hockessin, DE, or the … Continued
While the event has been cancelled, the raffle drawing will still occur. Please see below for information regarding the raffle. Raffle Prizes Raffle Ticket Online Purchase-$10
Ages 2 - 5 Second & Fourth Thursdays January through May 10:00am – 11:30am Books come to life at the Myrick Conservation Center as Potter the Otter reads a book to inspire. The story continues with an on-theme craft and an outdoor adventure. Please remember to dress for the weather. Members $5, Non-Member $10 (No … Continued
Ages 2 - 7 Every Thursday September 10-October 29 (Rain date Fridays) 10:00am – 11:30am Books come to life at the Myrick Conservation Center as Potter the Otter reads a book to inspire. The story continues with an outdoor adventure and take home craft. Please remember to dress for the weather. Members $5, Non-Member $10 … Continued
Ages 2 - 7 Every Thursday September 10-October 29 10:00am – 11:30am Books come to life at the Myrick Conservation Center as Potter the Otter reads a book to inspire. The story continues with an outdoor adventure and take home craft. Please remember to dress for the weather. Members $5, Non-Member $10 . (Adult/Caregiver free, … Continued
Sunday, September 20th 1:00 – 2:00pm Come view our fields of spectacular sunflowers. Meet Jamie Hicks of Meadow Springs Farm and BRC Executive Director, Jim Jordan for a personal tour of these amazing flowers while learning about their journey from our land to your bird feeders. Each person will be able to pick their own sunflower … Continued
Ages 2 - 7 Every Thursday September 10-October 29 (Rain date Fridays) 10:00am – 11:30am Books come to life at the Myrick Conservation Center as Potter the Otter reads a book to inspire. The story continues with an outdoor adventure and take home craft. Please remember to dress for the weather. Members $5, Non-Member $10 … Continued
Ages 2 - 7 Every Thursday September 10-October 29 (Rain date Fridays) 10:00am – 11:30am Books come to life at the Myrick Conservation Center as Potter the Otter reads a book to inspire. The story continues with an outdoor adventure and take home craft. Please remember to dress for the weather. Members $5, Non-Member $10 … Continued
Ages 2 - 7 Every Thursday September 10-October 29 (Rain date Fridays) 10:00am – 11:30am Books come to life at the Myrick Conservation Center as Potter the Otter reads a book to inspire. The story continues with an outdoor adventure and take home craft. Please remember to dress for the weather. Members $5, Non-Member $10 … Continued
Register now to participate in our Annual Brandywine Clean Up event to keep roads, parks, and streams in Chester County, Pennsylvania clean and beautiful. Litter Clean-up crews will practice safe social distancing by working in small groups, wearing masks, and no large group gatherings. All materials including trash bags, gloves, reflective vests, and a clean-up … Continued
Ages 2 - 7 Every Thursday September 10-October 29 (Rain date Fridays) 10:00am – 11:30am Books come to life at the Myrick Conservation Center as Potter the Otter reads a book to inspire. The story continues with an outdoor adventure and take home craft. Please remember to dress for the weather. Members $5, Non-Member $10 … Continued
Ages 2 - 7 Every Thursday September 10-October 29 (Rain date Fridays) 10:00am – 11:30am Books come to life at the Myrick Conservation Center as Potter the Otter reads a book to inspire. The story continues with an outdoor adventure and take home craft. Please remember to dress for the weather. Members $5, Non-Member $10 … Continued